Our Services

Let us relieve you of the time-consuming, complicated process and ensure you never pay inflated claims again

Let us relieve you of the time-consuming, complicated process and ensure you never pay inflated claims again. A full service medical cost containment firm specializing in claim negotiations & hybrid network.

True Cost Containment

Average reductions of 35% across all lines of insurance, signed contracts closing every settlement, you can experience true cost containment.

Savings without Risk

Rather than be forced to make a choice as to the valuation of increased savings versus decreased future risk and exposure, let Austin Resolutions provide you with both.

Our Culture

Austin Resolutions is built on creating and maintaining excellent relationships with our clients.  Our clients’ needs are at the forefront of every negotiation and what we can do to best serve them.

Get Results Now!

Several ways to contact us: Fill out form below and one of our representatives will contact you; Call us at (800) 844-7090; or email us: info@aus-res.com


(800) 844-7090